Apr 30, 2013

New Products for our cavies

After our 1 kilo supply of Versele Laga Cavia Crispy have been depleted, we decided to order again from an online seller - http://multiply.com/gingersweethouse.

This time we ordered the Vitakraft Menu Vital for guinea pigs.

Surprisingly, our cavies enjoyed the new pellets.


As an additional housing for our cavies aside from the cardboard tunnel, a sandal hut was added. It was made out of lotus grass so that the cavies can chew on them safely.

These are definitely great products for my cavies. Nevertheless, I wish there are more products available for guinea pigs in the Philippines, particularly in our city.

Apr 19, 2013

The summer heat

During the last days of March and April until today, the heat of summer is unbearable. It is extremely hot in the Philippines, but this time, the temperature is way off the scale.

Based on what I read on how guinea pigs prefer temperatures that range from 18 - 24 degrees Celsius based on http://www.guineapigs.com/location.html, I was getting worried for my cavies.

After arriving home after a short vacation, I observed that one of my cavies, Pogi, has a wet mouth and chin. Initially, I though Pogi just got his mouth wet after drinking in their water bowl, since the water bottle is not functioning. 

I decided to research on what this condition might indicate. I found out that Pogi is suffering from one of the signs of heat stroke. Here are the signs of heat stroke:

  • Limp body in which the guinea pig lies on his side and lazy to move around
  • Slobbers or wet chin
  • Rapid pulse rate
  • Breathing that is labored
  • Guinea pig feels hot when touched, especially the ears
I followed some of the measures to do in case one of the heat stroke signs are seen from http://www.guineapigwelfare.org.uk/guinea-pig-care/seasonal/summer/in-the-heat-of-the-moment/

Since the cage is inside the house, I decided to position it outside since the weather is truly unbearable. The cage of the cavies were positioned in our balcony where it is cool most of the time. After the cooling measures were performed on Pogi, after a day, his wet chin is no longer evident. The best part is that Pogi is starting to become more active and gaining more appetite. 

Luckily, the sign of heat stroke was instantly remedied. I am now happy that Pogi is back in his normal state. :)

Apr 9, 2013

Diet for Cavies

Vitamin C

On a daily basis, guinea pigs require vitamin C. This is due to the fact that guinea pigs are not capable of producing their own vitamin C. They need 10-30 mg/kg of vitamin C on a daily basis in order to prevent scurvy. It is important to provide your cavies with enough vitamin C such as plain or chewable vitamin C tablet or a small amount of liquid vitamin C drops for every guinea pig. Pregnant, young, sick and nursing guinea pigs all need extra vitamin C every day.

Just take note not to add vitamin C to their water.

  • If vitamin C is add to their drinking water, it changes the flavor, thus your cavies might drink less.
  • Ascorbic acid easily degrades the moment it is added to water.
  • Remember that some guinea pigs tend to drink more while some less, thus it is not easy to determine to amount of vitamin C that are included in their diet.


Guinea pig pellets that are high in quality yet plain and free from dyes can be given in small ceramic bowls. Just make sure that you will choose those that are added with vitamin C. For every cavy, they will consume about 1/8 cup of guinea pig pellets every day along with fresh vegetables and hay. 
Majority of the guinea pig pellets are made out of alfalfa. These pellets are ideal for growing, pregnant and young cavies. Once your guinea pig reaches one year old and fully developed, it is time to switch to pellets that are made out of timothy. This is the best choice since they have less calcium.


Cavies need fresh water on a daily basis. It is best to provide water through a drip bottle.

Grass Hay

Always remember that grass hay, particularly timothy must be provided to your cavies at all times. The reason for this is that it keeps the digestive system of your cavies in motion as well as preventing over growing teeth. For cleanliness of the cage, it is best to use a hay rack.
For young, pregnant, sick, malnourished and nursing guinea pigs, alfalfa hay must be given. Just remember that alfalfa hay has a rich calcium content, thus it must be given sparingly to the adult guinea pigs. Excess calcium will result to the bladder stone formation in older guinea pigs. 


You should provide small amounts of fresh vegetables or a cup every day is essential since it serves as an additional source of vitamin C as well as other nutrients. Vegetables such as romaine lettuce, parsley, red pepper and even tomato are good choices. 

For more information, simply visit http://www.guinealynx.info/index.html.

Apr 6, 2013

The Quest for Hay and Guinea Pig Pellets

As what I have read on the diet of guinea pigs on different online sources, they require hay, vegetables and good quality pellets. The problem I initially faced was the lack of hay and guinea pig pellets in our local pet stores. Of course, these are offered in the major cities here in the Philippines, but in our area there is no hay or pellets ideally for cavies  in the pet stores.

I initially provided my cavies with fresh grass from our garden. My cavies seem to know that their meal is coming, due to their wheeking sound. I also include about a cup of vegetables such as romaine lettuce, sweet potato leaves and red pepper two times a day. If available, I also include parsley, celery and broccoli.

When it comes to pellets, I had a hard time looking in our local pet stores, thus I decided to order online at  http://multiply.com/gingersweethouse. Luckily, the online store also offers packaged hay - timothy and alfalfa. There are also other guinea pig products that I might buy in the future. The online store is a good source of guinea pig products that cavy owners can check out.  Here are the products that i ordered:


When this was initially given to our cavies, they started to try it out and later on loved munching on their new food.
Now that my cavies have a steady supply of hay, their diet will be complete. Additionally, they love to play and hide in the edible tunnel.

Our cavies loved the pellets and the hay. I am now assured that my cavies will enjoy a complete diet from now on.