Jun 12, 2013

An ordinary day with my cavies

Starting the day involves checking on the cavies if they still have pellets left in their bowls. Once I approach the cage, I was greeted by the cries of wheeking from the cavies, while some are already standing on their feet. Initially, the trays are removed and cleaned, while the remaining vegetables are taken away. With their food bowls replenished with the appropriate amount of pellets, the cavies happily munched on their food. The water bottles are also cleaned and replaced with fresh water. 

During the morning, the regular routine of the cavies is to eat their morning serving and spend some time on small naps with intervals of popcorning or eating. The cavies are also given their daily dose of vitamin C and a treat afterwards.

In the afternoon, the cavies typically go on short naps and enjoy eating breaks every now and then. If the weather is too hot, they are provided with frozen water bottles wrapped in cloth for added coolness. We already had one cavy that suffered from the symptoms of heat stroke in the past. Luckily, it was immediately prevented and our cavy was in good condition. Late in the afternoon, we noticed that our cavies are more active with the regular popcorning of the younger cavies. It is also the time that we provide servings of fresh grass from the garden or a mix of vegetables, depending on what is available – lettuce, cucumber, sweet potato leaves and red pepper.

Grooming also is provided, especially to the long haired cavies. With brushing, it helps remove hair that can lead to tangles. Since activity is important for guinea pigs, we provide them with time to exercise in an enclosed area that was made out of carton sides and formed into a square space. It was adequate space so that the cavies can exercise and run around all they want. This is essential so that the cavies will not end up overweight. 

Once the sun sets, it is time to check their food bowls if there is still enough food and provide the appropriate amounts. Additionally, the trays are cleaned once again to maintain appropriate cleanliness. Life with cavies is definitely an enjoyable one. As these creatures look up to you for food or attention with their friendly eyes, you simply cannot just ignore them. Cavies are indeed lovable pets that truly deserve the best when it comes to providing care and love.

Jun 4, 2013

Our cavies

With 7 cavies under our care, it is definitely an enjoyable experience while watching them eat, play and eventually grow. At the present, we suspect that our two American sows are pregnant. It is quite apparent due to their sudden increase in weight and the noticeable increase in size.

The addition of three cavies - Brownie (Peruvian boar), Sonic (Coronet boar) and Cali (Silkie/Sheltie sow) are lovely additions to our cavy family. We now have the total of seven cavies - 2 American sows, pair of Abyssinian  1 Peruvian boar, 1 Coronet boar and a Silkie/Sheltie sow.  

The original group:

Our three sows - an Abyssinian and two American cavies
Abyssinian boar

New cavies:

After some time thinking whether to get the long-haired breeds, our decision was to go for it. We now have lovely additions to our cavy family - a Peruvian boar, Coronet boar and a Silkie/Sheltie sow. Luckily, they seem to get along well, except for the two boars - the Peruvian and Abyssinian who instantly become aggressive if they see each other.

Peruvian boar

Coronet boar

Silkie/Sheltie sow - Silver agouti
With our 7 cavies, it is truly an enjoyable sight to watch them.