Basics on Guinea Pig Care

Guinea pigs are known to live up to 10 years with the average of 5-7 years. For those who are planning to get one as a pet, it should be taken into consideration carefully since your chosen cavy will depend on you for food, companionship, water, medical care and attention. It is important that you are familiar with the basics on proper guinea pig care so that your cavies will lead healthy and comfortable lives.


For guinea pigs, finding the right housing is important. It is best to opt for a cage with a smooth base without any wires, shelves or ramps that might only catch the feet of your cavies. Do not forget to provide a small box or house within the cage for sleeping purposes or as a retreat for the cavies. Aquariums and tubs made out of plastic are not recommended since they do not have adequate ventilation as well as limiting the exposure of your cavies to their surroundings.

In terms of the size, you should opt for a larger cage if possible. With a bigger cage, it will minimize cleaning and allow enough space for your cavies to play and exercise. For cage ideas, you can visit and

The location of the cage should be in a room with a temperature that is stable and not exposed to direct sunlight. Make sure that it is positioned close to where most of the household activities take place.

For the bedding, you can use wood products such as aspen shavings, pine shavings and even wood pellets. Of course, hay is also used as bedding as well as cotton cloth, cotton fleece, towels, polyester fleece and even paper. The choice depends on the availability of the bedding materials and the preference of the owner.

There are also accessories that you can add to the cage of your cavies. The essential accessories include the food dishes for the pellets, water bottle and the hay rack.

More on guinea pig basics soon...

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